by Pamme Boutselis While researching more than 20 books for adults and children, award-winning author Sy Montgomery has been chased by an angry silverback gorilla in Zaire, bitten by a vampire bat in Costa Rica, worked in a pit of 18,000 slithering snakes in Manitoba, hunted a tiger in India, and…
Liane Moriarty talks about her New York Times Bestseller “The Husband’s Secret,” the story of a wife who finds a letter from her husband addressed to her with the instructions “To be opened in the event of my death,” and her struggle to decide what to do with the letter…
by Pamme Boutselis An award-winning, published playwright, Raegan Payne’s work is regularly in production. She is also an actress and strident volunteer. Her efforts in volunteerism are chronicled in her nationally recognized blog, The Good Muse. Have you always written? There’s a picture of me trying to type when I…
by Jeannette Kirchner SNHU graduate student, Patrick Donovan, is a self-proclaimed nerd in addition to being a father, student and writer. He talked with us about his new urban fantasy book, “Demon Jack,” published by Fable Press. Tell us a little bit about yourself. About me? Honestly, I’m not really…
by Pamme Boutselis Midge Raymond’s short-story collection, “Forgetting English,” received the Spokane Prize for Short Fiction. Her stories have appeared in TriQuarterly, American Literary Review, Indiana Review, North American Review, Bellevue Literary Review, the Los Angeles Times magazine, and many other publications. Her work has received several Pushcart Prize nominations…
by Pamme Boutselis Krysha Thayer has been a freelance writer since 2007, writing about technology, pets, health and the art of writing itself. She is also an online student with Southern New Hampshire University, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in creative writing with a focus in fiction, and is currently working…
by Gabbi Hall Tell me about your background as a writer. I’ve been working in Hollywood for over 10 years as a screenwriter/ producer mostly on one major feature-length film project. I have two other projects. However, I have focused most of my time on the one big A-list, potentially…
by Gabbi Hall Nicole Pribbernow said, “Writing is a part of who I am. Everything I see, I see as though it were a part of some form of written work.” This online BS in operations and project management student has spent the past two years volunteering as a writer…
In this compilation video from Charlie Rose, Malcolm Gladwell discusses finding the story, Martin Amis talks about the war on clichés, Zadie Smith speaks of her her faith in fiction, Joan Didion about writing novels, Jonathan Franzen addresses the novelist’s charge and Fran Lebowicz addresses her fear of writing.
James Patterson has sold over 180 million books and, as he says in the interview below, works on up to 30 pieces at any given time. He sat down with Tim Morrison, a TIME magazine contributor, for a 10-question interview.