by Greer Pohl Celebrated on March 8 each year, International Women’s Day celebrates women and their contributions to society. In 2025, the International Women’s Day theme was Accelerate Action, or “the importance of taking swift and decisive steps to achieve gender equality.” Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) recently hosted…
Students in Southern New Hampshire University’s online liberal arts programs were invited to participate in the W.R.I.T.E. Challenge, an 8-week experiential learning program, working in groups to research and write a resource article related to writing. Beyond the challenge itself, the groups competed to be published in The Penmen Review. This is…
by John Wells It’s a conversation I’ve had with almost every writer I know: does it ever make sense to self-publish work? Despite the miracle of electronic submissions, it’s still a months-long process, submitting and waiting for word on your poem, your story, your essay. For the publishing of a…
by Gabbi Hall All across Youtube, writers give advice on everything from editing to vocabulary to publishing. We’ve compiled three great tips from a variety of authors to help you better your own skills. Teresa Lo, author of “Hell’s Game,” on rejection: Michael Levin, New York Times bestselling author, on…
By Yvonne Perry Perhaps you are writing a fiction mystery novel, and are unsure whether to look for an agent to pitch your book to a conventional publisher, self-publish on your own, or use a publish-on-demand company to bring your book to market. There are a few things to consider…
by Gabbi Hall In May 2013, I published my first book, a project I co-authored with my friend, Elizabeth “Liz” Murray. “It Takes a Village: How global engagement online has changed media events” runs 115 pages long and takes a look at the evolution of social media and its relationship…
by Alycia King “Close your heart and mind to nothing.” That’s the advice self-published author Damon Marbut received from his writing instructors. With that in mind, Damon wrote and published his first novel, “Awake in the Mad World,” which is an entrant for the Pulitzer Prize and has advanced into…