Featured Writing

Butterfly Solipsism

by D.R. James A butterfly’s flapping over Costa Rica,it’s sometimes considered, could initiatethe chain that leads to tornados in Toledo,hopping and ripping the heartfrom every-other quotidian home. Or maybe its deft stretch-and-glidecould instigate the violent Mississippi’ssurprising rise beyond its subtle, stolid realm—the dainty queen behind that vast rebellion. So I…


An open book stacked onto other books.

Five Books Every Writer Should Own

Writing has always been part of my life. As a child, my journey began with writing short stories about family summer vacations. As a teenager, I kept a journal for many years, writing about friendships. Today, I am grateful it is a daily part of my life teaching English and…


5 Tips for Creative Writers from Adventurista Janice Holly Booth

by Gabbi Hall Writer and adventurista, Janice Holly Booth, had her first book, “Only Pack What You Can Carry,” published by National Geographic in 2011. Since then, she released a non-fiction novel, “A Voice out of Nowhere: Inside the mind of a mass murderer,” and taught many creative writing workshops for…


Author Vivian Kirkfield: 3 Things I Know Now That I Wish I Knew Then

Vivian Kirkfield is the author of “Show Me How! Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem Through Reading, Crafting and Cooking.”  In her school visits to kindergartens and in her presentations to parent/teacher groups, she shares her passion for picture books and for helping every young child become a reader and lover of…