Recent Spotlights

The Penmen Profile: “Southern Gospel” Memoirist Mark Beaver

by Rebecca LeBoeuf “Suburban Gospel” draws upon high school teacher Mark Beaver’s religious background and what life was like for a teen coming of age in the ‘80s. The memoir debuted in early 2016 and has drawn positive response from Kirkus Reviews, Publishers Weekly and many of Beaver’s peers. The…


The Penmen Profile: Award-winning Nonfiction Writer Loree Griffin Burns

By Rebecca LeBoeuf A writer of nonfiction science books for children and teenagers, Dr. Loree Griffin Burns covers topical issues such as ocean pollution as well as the natural world, including books about honey bees and the life cycle of butterflies. Her books have garnered many awards, including an IRA…


The Penmen Profile: Short Fictionist Tony Press

by Rebecca LeBoeuf Short fiction writer Tony Press published a collection of stories, “Crossing the Lines: Stories by Tony Press,” earlier this year. In 2014, one of his stories was nominated for the Pushcart Prize. His story, “Funeral Season,” was published in 2015 in The Penmen Review. Press also writes…