by Greer Pohl Celebrated on March 8 each year, International Women’s Day celebrates women and their contributions to society. In 2025, the International Women’s Day theme was Accelerate Action, or “the importance of taking swift and decisive steps to achieve gender equality.” Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) recently hosted…
Writing has always been part of my life. As a child, my journey began with writing short stories about family summer vacations. As a teenager, I kept a journal for many years, writing about friendships. Today, I am grateful it is a daily part of my life teaching English and…
By Jonathan Cooper You can’t plow a field by turning it over in your mind” –Irish Proverb I awoke just before 4 am and stayed awake for an hour listening to the sound of the rain. Finally, I accepted my sleeplessness – I splashed cold water on my face, put…
By Warren Adler I’ve spent the best part of my life writing, thinking about writing and publishing, and, lately, more and more about the dramatic, revolutionary changes that are taking place in the way we communicate with each other and how it impacts on our future as writers. The fact…
by John Wells It’s a conversation I’ve had with almost every writer I know: does it ever make sense to self-publish work? Despite the miracle of electronic submissions, it’s still a months-long process, submitting and waiting for word on your poem, your story, your essay. For the publishing of a…
by Cassie Premo Steele, Ph.D. My earliest writing was done near a window. During my childhood in Minnesota, it was often too snowy to go outside, but my second-floor bedroom window was near a tree, and I sat by that tree like some devotees sit near their guru. As a…
by Pamme Boutselis While technology now offers writers far more convenient ways to submit manuscripts, articles, poetry and other types of writing to publications, one thing that hasn’t changed in the least is the need for respectful, professional follow-up on a submission. Save Casual Communication for Your Friends Email, texting…
If you’re a writer that thrives on feedback, a writing group might be just what you’re looking for. However, that’s often easier said than done if you don’t feel connected to other writers locally. Here’s a good video on how to create an online writing group that will allow you…
Bestselling author Stephen King discusses the art of writing short stories and short fiction in this video interview, and speaks about how many new writers forgo writing short stories to focus on writing a novel, sometimes before they are ready to navigate “the quagmire of the novel.”
In this video, bestselling writer Anne Rice offers advice to writers. The author of 32 books, Rice’s latest work, “Prince Lestat,” will be released in late October 2014.