Recent Writing

Black and white magpie with a broken beak

BrokeBeak the Magpie and His Family

by Elia Anie Kim BrokeBeak the magpie was easy to recognise at my bird bath because of his appearance. His plumage was striking black-and-white, with the upper beak broken off at the tip. Despite the fact that he had a compromised beak with which to forage with, he appeared to…


A makeup compact filled with powder on a table next to a powder puff and makeup brush with other makeup palettes in the background


by Karen Mandell Rose boarded the bus on Oaktonand got off in downtown Evanstonto buy make up at Woolworth’s.She picked up Max Factor and Maybelline’smascara, powder, lipstick in a muted ruby,skipping liner because her eyes,dark brown, round stained saucerswere best left alone. Foundation, a dab of perfume,Martin’s yearly birthday present,…


A vintage camera resting against a leather case

Call Me Nostalgic

by Ian C Smith Photographers can be both artists and conservationists.  When we see images of old or departed folk bathed in light in family albums – how young you look – so slim – that hair – pangs of sadness are gladdened, too, as we hustle to remain ahead…