by Robert Beveridge (This poem contains a mention of animal death.) Two more crowslandbeside the corpseof the deerhit twodays ago

by Robert Beveridge (This poem contains a mention of animal death.) Two more crowslandbeside the corpseof the deerhit twodays ago
by T.W. Strawhouse Hello all, I knowthis email will probably be as hard to read as it was to write2 A disturbed field, the dirt upturned by plowleft to be, sun-bleached, and its nitrogen depleted is an open invitationfor ragweed, Lespedeza, and thorn-skinned scatters of invasive Bradford pears3 – Using…
by Marah McCarty My paradigm shifted to accommodate you.You have been a ghost all this time, never caught, never taunted, filling the pages of anthropology portfolios, flat-field lands of headstones.You give no referendums before your decisions. Yet, no one can enact revenge upon you. There is nothing of yours that…