Recent Writing

View of a sunrise through a curtained window

The Urge to Sleep In

by Amanda Valerie Judd Despite its reputationas an early riser,I imagine there must be days,at least one or two,when even the Sunyawns in protestat the hourit must open the curtainson another morning.


Path leading to a table in a garden of pink and red flowers

In the Garden

by Marah McCarty she is quiet within her skin,although there is no definition for demureness in the Garden.she does not need to be courageous,feel the adversity which make women stagnate toGod’s greater plan.she is supple and pink,a canvas of the most impractical womanand mankind’s most perfect.he is robust, with large…


Person holding a mug sitting at a table with a plate of breakfast

One o’Clock, Two o’Clock

by DS Maolalai little to say to eachother this morning.the woman who will bemy wife sips her coffee,eats toast, eats a pieceof fried egg off a fork.I shovel a mess from my plate,fold a badly madesandwich, falling apartlike the buildings outside.but for now it’s stillfunctional – I get it upinto…