Recent Writing

Sad woman sitting on bed

The Epiphany

by Brooke Gebhardt You’ve never seen the worlduntil you’ve seen your mother cry. When pale white knucklesgrip the kitchen sink as she questionswhether to let you see. When hazel mixes with crimson, staringback at you, sparklingwith fresh tears. When lips quiver and shoulders shake,attacking the walls of your heart and…


Sun shining through green leaves on a branch

The Fool’s Ballad

by Antonio Eramo If fools rush in where angels fear to treadthen angels know not love nor sacrifice.I battle with this fool inside my headand try to seek out words to be concise.Yet heart cannot express through mere devicejust how divine life is when you are there.When you are there…


Rows of arcade games

Restroom Visit

by Russell Rowland Sketchy is the restroomin this ramshackle arcade—almosta closet, dark—still, she has to go.Granddaughter, eight, insistsGrampy accompany her. I do— softened at her own wayof being those years young, her faiththat an elder man, retired,unremarkable, divorced, can causethe world to seem a safer place. Once we’re both inside,…