Recent Writing

A bottle of ink with a quill on an old wooden desk with papers and books to the side

From the Desk Of

by Robert Beveridge sung in the back with the roachesand the expressive montage. takenaway by the men in the black vanwith mickey mouse stapledto the grille. exposed to weakness,decay, and the films of Adam Sandler.delighted with the new, improvednotation for microtonal raga. broiledfor sixteen minutes, or until the boar’shead melts…


A sprinkler spraying water onto green grass

News from Pipes

by Mike Neis A do-it-yourself homeowner can hear running water and know something is broken. The pipes were carrying the wrong tune, a slack, subdued song backed by full, unhurried harmonies. The notes lacked the usual shrill urgency of the morning lawn watering. Roger’s troubleshooting instincts called through the dawn’s…


Black and white magpie with a broken beak

BrokeBeak the Magpie and His Family

by Elia Anie Kim BrokeBeak the magpie was easy to recognise at my bird bath because of his appearance. His plumage was striking black-and-white, with the upper beak broken off at the tip. Despite the fact that he had a compromised beak with which to forage with, he appeared to…