Recent Writing

Milky Way galaxy


by Mackenzie Bodily “Rat-a-Tat” placed fifth in Southern New Hampshire University’s 2023 Fall Fiction Contest. Marlyle watched the words “BEACON ACTIVE” slide over the walls of his one-man cruiser. The cabin was dark, illuminated only by the stars outside the window and those words projected in bright red by his…


Person holding an amethyst stone

I Traded My Heart

by Laine Derr I traded my heartfor an amethyst – Gifted it to a girlwho sits in the sun. She touchesmy smile, w/ lips rubbed smoothby winter rain. Hands holdinga stone beating my love, shiningdays of pale purple. I traded my heartfor lilac, for her.


Silhouette of trees and mountains against a sky full of stars

You in Space

by Leila Farjami After you walkor fly awayfrom your body,a long winter takes hold,with its slumped oaksand graying sun. From your windowinside an empty house,I could watch the garden for days.From above, your eyesmight watch me. Our words to each otherwill be breathwoven into the airoutside of time.My language will…