Recent Writing

Bed of dandelion

The Spider in the Gnome House

by James Maynard Once I found a dandelion seed headAs big as a melon. In the gopher-plump grassI thought it was a child’s lost ball.I loved how freely it came into our sphereWithout a wrapper, or preview, or price.Or the soggy afternoon we spent rushingHalf-drowned worms from the puddlesTo the…


Man sitting alone looking sad

The Mortamancer

by M.E. Gayton On the morning of December 26th, Ralph Breckles came to the realization that he wanted to know when he was going to die. By dinner that evening, he had made the appointment to find out. The following week, Ralph drove to an office building located exactly 9.3…


Fenced-in red barn in a field

The Milkman Comes Tomorrow

by Joseph Biancalana He has to get out of the house. Before the young man had even finished Helen was already crying, running upstairs to his old bedroom. He let the young man finish, asked questions, thanked him, closed the door. He could hear her crying, almost shrieking, in his…