Recent Writing

Close-up of a black snake

Black Snake Wound

by Dee Allen The old Lakota prophesyHas come to passIn our lifetime.As any creatureBound to the land would,A long black snakeSlithers over turf,Then travels underground.Below, it steadlily travelsAnd along the way,It gets woundedBy anything, even byPouring torrential rainsFalling like a guillotine blade,And slowly bleedsOunces of visceraSlick, thick andDeepest of black.Nearby…


Rusty chain link fence gate chained closed

Dad for Sale

by Kamillya Hunter I grew up in the suburbs. Scratch whatever image just came to mind because I promise it’s not accurate. Let me paint a clearer picture. One of rusty chain link fences surrounding patchy lawns, where stray dogs roam and chase kids down the street. Worn-out sneakers were…


School of fish under the ocean

A Poem is an Ocean (after Charles Bukowski)

by Amanda Valerie Judd a poem is an ocean full of depths and reefsfilled with sharks and sailors and seaweedfilled with plastic and whale spermwhipping up a tidal wave and a hurricanea poem is an ocean working for industriesa poem is an ocean losing its relevance as a living thinga…