Recent Writing

Fenced-in red barn in a field

The Milkman Comes Tomorrow

by Joseph Biancalana He has to get out of the house. Before the young man had even finished Helen was already crying, running upstairs to his old bedroom. He let the young man finish, asked questions, thanked him, closed the door. He could hear her crying, almost shrieking, in his…


River surrounded by trees

The Girl

by Gregory F. DeLaurier (This story contains child abuse.) 1988… The River listened. Always did, always had. It heard the moans and cries of those in this little city who faced the terror of life, of death, of pain, of fear. It heard their joy, a wedding, a birthing, the quick…


Empty asphalt road stretching into distance


by Talitha R. Degraff Gum–unrelenting–on a shoemeltingon the frying pan asphaltstretching endlessly, mutatinginto something Wrigley never intendedbird shit always finds a windshieldto sunbathe onshriveling like worms on smiling hooksGod grants cat hair life eternalclinging to Christmas sweatersand soul-black dressesspiders squat in attic cornerssalt-water taffy tuckedbetween newly rotting teethat the circustrouble…