Recent Writing

Rainbow over a treeline Image by Hans from Pixabay


by Anna Dodson August was quiet this year.My evening chamomile seepedoutside, the figs lappedthe sky like pea blossom and lemon juice.The glass, a white diamondrefracting all that quiet on the gloom. I miss you most of all, my darling.Heat fogged the window like two lovers in the backseat,jazz flute on…


An abandoned wheelchair by the sea. Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

The Best Days of Your Life

by Bill Foley The last time Walt peed in the bed, Brenda’s pajamas were the collateral damage.   “Walt, wake up!” she whispered. “Are you wearing your Depends?”  “Huh?” he grumbled. “Oh my God, not again.” Now shouting disgust and frustration, Brenda ran into the bathroom, pulled off her pajamas, and…


Blue flowers in the foreground, with a setting sun reflecting off water behind.

Tangled Overcast

by Andrew Furst i am not wanting light. but i warm to it, moving with the situations towards the angels i’ve been looking for. equaling the coastline and the sparkling worldliness of sunsets the new year tries to rebuild me as springtime meadows are constructing summer out of the long…