Recent Spotlights

SNHU Talks Illustration, Inspiration and Writing with Denise Ortakales

by Alycia King You have illustrated many books. How did writing your own children’s book come about? It was literally a homework assignment for a Writing for Children course. The assignment was to take a legend or folktale and make it your own. Being from N.H., I naturally chose a…


Spotlight on Allen Ginsberg

Poet and activist Allen Ginsberg talks about the resurgence of the 50s Beat Generation of artists and poets—and how Bob Dyland was influenced by Kerouac. He talks also about censorship of his work and others.


SNHU Talks Radio, Writing and Education with Michael C. Keith

by Pamme Boutselis Michael C. Keith is the author of over 20 books on electronic media, including “Talking Radio,” “Voice in the Purple Haze,” “Radio Cultures,” “Signals in the Air,” and the classic textbook “The Radio Station.”  A multi-award winner in his academic field, Keith is the author of dozens…