Recent Spotlights

Fall Fiction Competition Winner Syche Phillips

by Rebecca LeBoeuf Syche Phillips’ short story, “Genesis,” was selected as the winner of SNHU’s 2015 Fall Fiction Short Story Competition. A writer of fiction, creative nonfiction and plays, Phillips is pursuing her online Master of Arts in English and Creative Writing with a concentration in Fiction with Southern New…


The Penmen Profile: Northern New England Author Merle Drown

by Rebecca LeBoeuf Merle Drown is the author of three novels and numerous flash fiction stories. “Lighting the World” (2015), Drown’s most recent book, pulled upon events that happened in his life and garnered praise from his peers, including best-selling authors Wiley Cash and John Searles. “The Suburbs Of Heaven”…


The Penmen Profile: Environmental Nonfiction Author Amy Irvine

by Rebecca LeBoeuf Amy Irvine is an environmental nonfiction and memoir author. Her two books, “Trespass: Living at the Edge of the Promised Land” (2008) and “Making a Difference: Stories of How the Outdoor Industry and Individuals are Working to Preserve America’s Natural Places” (2001), have been praised in reviews by…