Recent Spotlights

SNHU Chats with Award-winning Writer, Editor and Publisher Midge Raymond

By Pamme Boutselis An award-winning author of the short-story collection “Forgetting English,” Midge Raymond’s latest book, the novel “My Last Continent,” debuts today. Her work has appeared in TriQuarterly, American Literary Review, Bellevue Literary Review, the Los Angeles Times magazine, Poets & Writers and many other publications. Raymond has also…


The Penmen Profile: Versatile Writer Peter Grandbois

by Rebecca LeBoeuf Peter Grandbois is an author that does it all. From writing fiction, nonfiction, poetry and plays, Grandbois has two novels, one book of short stories, a memoir and a collection of three novellas published. His Etruscan Press novel, “Nahoonkara,” was a finalist in the 2011 Foreword Review Book of…


The Penmen Profile: “So Many Africas” Author Jill Kandel

by Rebecca LeBoeuf Creative nonfiction writer and memoirist Jill Kandel traveled the world and now writes about those experiences. Kandel first submitted her book, “So Many Africas: Six Years in a Zambian Village,” to Autumn House Press‘ full manuscript competition. After winning the Creative Nonfiction Award in 2014 and being published a  year…