Featured Writing

Butterfly Solipsism

by D.R. James A butterfly’s flapping over Costa Rica,it’s sometimes considered, could initiatethe chain that leads to tornados in Toledo,hopping and ripping the heartfrom every-other quotidian home. Or maybe its deft stretch-and-glidecould instigate the violent Mississippi’ssurprising rise beyond its subtle, stolid realm—the dainty queen behind that vast rebellion. So I…


Demon Jack Patrick Donovan

SNHU Student Patrick Donovan Talks About Demon Jack

by Jeannette Kirchner SNHU graduate student, Patrick Donovan, is a self-proclaimed nerd in addition to being a father, student and writer. He talked with us about his new urban fantasy book, “Demon Jack,” published by Fable Press. Tell us a little bit about yourself. About me? Honestly, I’m not really…