Everyone Else is Already Taken: How to Find Your Voice as a Writer

Students in Southern New Hampshire University’s online liberal arts programs were invited to participate in the W.R.I.T.E. Challenge, an 8-week experiential learning program, working in groups to research and write a resource article related to writing. Beyond the challenge itself, the groups competed to be published in The Penmen Review. This is the winning article.

By: Sky Blanton, Sarah Bowers, Alexis Ciarkowski, Michael Loveday and Ashley Price

Woman writing on a notepad and working on a laptop computer

We’ve all been there: that moment when you tell yourself, “Just one more page,” and then suddenly it’s 1 a.m. What makes a book so compelling that you can’t put it down? Often, it’s the feeling of connection and sense of discovery we find when we read about our world – or other worlds – from a perspective we’ve never considered, when an author reaches deep into our psyche and rearranges things a bit with a story told in a voice that is new.

A voice like this comes from a writer who has found the ability to share their experiences and insights in a way that only they can. One such author is fiction writer Frank Sennett. During brainstorming sessions, Sennett asks himself, “What stories do I have to tell that if I don’t tell them, no one else will?” This question is the starting point to unlocking your own voice as a writer.

Beyond that seemingly simple question, this article aims to help new writers to, as Oscar Wilde said, “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” We’ll examine how writing voice is influenced. We’ll offer strategies to identify your own voice – not despite a sea of other voices but because of all those influences combined with your own life experience. Finally, we’ll acknowledge that it takes both time and hard work to hone the voice that’s so eager to be found.


  • Think about a book that captivated you. What made it so compelling?
  • What unique stories do you have to tell that no one else can?

How Voice is Influenced

A writer’s voice is molded and formed based on an array of influences: personal experiences, reading habits and interactions with other readers or writers influence how you express yourself as a creator. Research into rhythm and stylistics- also known as sentence structure- shows that both play an essential role in shaping voice. One study found that frequent readers tend to develop sophisticated writing styles that take different ideas and tones from other authors.

Over time, certain qualities and elements will stay with you when creating your own style and tone. In literary theory, Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of ‘heteroglossia’ suggests that voice is not formed in isolation but emerges from a continuous dialogue that includes different linguistic and cultural influences. Subconsciously, writers will absorb elements from the books they read, groups of people they interact with and the various types of media they consume, further shaping their craft.

With that said, the term “voice” is often overused and misunderstood. MasterClass uses this definition: “Voice is the unique blend of vocabulary, tone, point of view, and syntax that shapes how stories communicate with a reader.” Studies in psychology suggest that personality traits influence writing styles. According to Scientific Reports, introverted writers tend to produce more introspective and descriptive tones, while extroverted writers often favor a direct style.

As writers gain life experience and reflect, they move beyond replication and develop a voice that is deeply personal and uniquely their own. It’s important to focus on your goals and not comparing yourself to others: “Focus on your own journey and try not to worry about what’s going on in the lane next to you. I know it’s hard because it feels natural to compare,” says critically acclaimed author Akemi Dawn Bowman, known for their Magic the Gathering fiction. “Everyone’s publishing journey is different…Focus on the page and the words and do what you do best—write.” Creating something that interests you will interest like-minded readers.


  • Observe the voices in the books you read and the media you consume. How do they affect you?
  • Do you lean towards introversion or extraversion? How might this influence your writing?
  • How have your personal experiences shaped your voice so far?
  • Is it possible to stop comparing your journey to other writers?

Ways to Identify Your Voice

To learn more about the concept of voice we turned to Frank Sennett, a published fiction writer with an MFA from the University of Montana, former president and editor-in-chief of Time Out Chicago and instructor at Southern New Hampshire University’s MFA program. Sennett brings years of personal and professional experience, showing that a writer’s voice is weathered through a lifetime, not found in a single moment.

Identifying your voice begins with asking yourself what you truly want to share with an audience. Further studies in psychology suggest that self-reflection enhances self-awareness, which is essential for developing a unique writing voice. By looking inward and focusing your energy on personal experiences, emotions and perspectives, you can draw from your inner reserves for inspiration and direction. Sennett suggests, “find the source that drives you at a personal level to write,” encouraging writers to look within. Journaling, for example, helps writers develop a more distinctive and authentic voice over time, allowing for clear self-expression.

When asked what it takes to be a good writer with a solid voice, Sennett replies, “To be a good writer, you must first be a reader.” Readers absorb and adapt elements of other writing styles and expose themselves to different techniques and sentence structures. By stepping outside your own perspective, you open yourself to diverse viewpoints, enriching your creative expression.

The best path to opening your repertoire is to read outside your preferred genres: “Read! Read in your genre, of course, but also read outside it and try to analyze the voices you find most appealing,” says Kimmery Martin, author of Narrative Medicine courses. This will help you, but it will also spur some teeth-gnashing and garment-rending at your own perceived inadequacies.” It’s easy to compare your writing to others, identifying similarities and differences and judging yourself. Yet, self-discovery as a writer means focusing on what makes your perspective unique.

Action items:

  • Start a journal to explore your thoughts, feelings and experiences.
  • Read genres you wouldn’t normally choose.
  • Pick a favorite author and analyze their writing style to find what makes their voice unique.
  • Choose a paragraph from a book you admire and rewrite it in your own words, then study the sentence structure in each.

Time and Hard Work

In a world of writers, how do you advocate for your style and engage your audience? How do you stir interest in your content? The most common advice is networking. Sennett suggests a classic form: “I recommend conferences; specifically, to go and check out the Midwest Mystery Conference. I’ve met many other writers there, and I think those connections are great for networking.” Having writing acquaintances is guaranteed to help and guide you through your career.

Afie Atakora, a historical fiction writer who debuted Conjure Women in 2020, strongly agrees, “Writer friends are everything! We all know that the act of novel writing is solitary…but when you crawl out of your cave, it’s so important to have friends there waiting who get it, who are ready to read and cheer you on, and who will send you right back into the cave when you need it.”

With the internet, finding friends and peers is easier with online relationships. Social media algorithms create echo chambers, making it easy to connect with similar creators. However, this may limit your development as you’ll have less exposure to diverse voices. For writers, social media is a powerful tool for sharing work and getting feedback. But it’s also essential to break out of the echo chamber and nourish your mind with new ideas.

As you search for connections, Sennett offers a reminder that you can’t please everyone. From his perspective, if you’re pursuing work that drives you it’ll be easier to process feedback. It’s important to enjoy your writing and advocate for your ideas. Sennett shares another core piece of advice, “I think that you just need to stick with who you are…there’s another part of your voice that you have to stand on your own principles and stay true to that.” Negative feedback can hurt, but it pushes you forward. Pour more love into your story and keep going. The best motivation is rediscovering your passion.

Action items:

  • Seek out writer friends who understand your journey.
  • Use social media to share your work and connect with readers but be mindful of echo chambers.
  • Be open to constructive criticism and use it to improve.
  • Remember Frank Sennett’s advice to stick to your principles.

If you’re struggling to find your voice, remember it’s an ongoing process requiring self-reflection, consistent practice and learning from other writers. Read. Experiment. Connect. Explore writing groups, literary agent websites and online writing workshops. Now that you know how writing voice is influenced and how to identify your own, all that’s left is to go write the stories that only you can tell.
