Winterberry Red

Photo by Petr Kratochvil

by Daniel Potter

A pond, the depression where
Many a Summer’s inflatable pools were laid, is now
A sheet of silvery ice and a downy blanket of snow.
Grass still green and Autumn leaves lie beneath
As crystalline relics, sugared memories

An inquisitive child
Tosses aside both itchy, blue wool mittens.
The long afternoon exposes
An ice rink, ice fishing, an igloo refuge

A horse-drawn carriage,
Bungee cord for a jockey’s whip, he yells “Whoa!”
Its hook lodges into the ice and a cobweb spreads coolly
He pulls, it snaps back – his eye –
The snow, both winterberry red.

Category: Poetry, SNHU Creative Writing, SNHU online creative writing, SNHU Student