Featured Writing

Sympathy for the Sober Sister

by Alex Carrigan After Erik Fuhrer. For Cici Cooper, Scream 2 (1997) Sober Sistersitting on thesofa surfing channelspast the static,suppressingthe silence ofthe sorority house.Sober Sistersacrifices a nightof shots, slipsof tongues in kisses,sentimental momentsof a sorority life.Sober Sisterspeaks on the phoneto a stranger,stumped to findshe’s specifiedto die tonight.Sober Sister,sinner in the…


The Book that Changed NYT Bestselling Author Becca Fitzpatrick’s Life

Bestselling young adult author Becca Fitzpatrick speaks about the book that changed her life, and how important it is to read the genre that a writer hopes to authentically write in. What is the book that changed your life, and inspired your writing? Tell us in a comment. Becca Fitzpatrick’s Hush, Hush saga,…