by Alex Carrigan After Erik Fuhrer. For Cici Cooper, Scream 2 (1997) Sober Sistersitting on thesofa surfing channelspast the static,suppressingthe silence ofthe sorority house.Sober Sistersacrifices a nightof shots, slipsof tongues in kisses,sentimental momentsof a sorority life.Sober Sisterspeaks on the phoneto a stranger,stumped to findshe’s specifiedto die tonight.Sober Sister,sinner in the…
By Amber E. Box There is nothing more frustrating to a writer than the infamous rejection (except maybe writer’s block…or running out of coffee). Here are some of the most common reasons that editors reject manuscripts and query letters, and how you can avoid them. 1. Not following submission guidelines:…
by Midge Raymond DOs – Do have a hook. You’ll need to be able to describe your book in one or two sentences, which can be as challenging as writing the book itself. Yet this is essential for selling your book to an agent or editor — and for your…