Three Chants Found on Statuary

by Judith Cody


Eric Satie roams alone through Paris; it rains.

While Striking Feathers:
Rain is dislodged is fallen—transmogrifies into sweat
Dew is dissolved is absorbed—transmogrifies into sweat
Blood is drawn is congealed—transmogrifies into sweat
Urine is discharged is rain—transmogrifies into sweat

(Audience applauds while spasmodically coughing.)

With Drum Held Close:
All that is love is all that is lost is lost is lost
All that is beauty is all that is lost is lost is lost
All that is grief is all that is lost is lost is lost
All that is lost is all that is lost is lost is lost

(Conductor flings baton into the solitary cello.)

With Blades Dancing
Sing words next to caskets
Sense words flooding cities
Strew words over torments
Speak words someone hears

(Some people return clasping Styrofoam cups.)


Category: Poetry, SNHU Creative Writing, SNHU online creative writing