Featured Writing

Man sitting with his head in his hands

The Lament of a Gargoyle

by Christian Velilla (This story contains attempted suicide.) I find myself in that icy corner of my room, with my body lost in inaudible sobs and tears that I only feel running down my cheeks, but they are nothing more than vivid flashes of my imagination; like little diamonds that…


Posts Tagged Earth


by Lisa Harris Perhaps you see a globe: You think, a world is round; a world spins. Continents are misshapen feet, and all around them lies blue water, the color of a Scandinavian’s eyes. Perhaps you see a million faces, a blur of non-photogenic humanity, a smear of intention, like…



by Gil Hoy Sometimes in  today’s America The rights of rioting white supremacists trump the rights  of black football  players kneeling Peacefully,  holding hands. And for some  particularly wealthy  Tweet bosses, The earth is not  Warming, forget the ship-wrecked Mexican American and there is no  community of man. The earth’s squirrels …


Flying Northeast at Dusk

by Rodger Martin In the pressure of the fuselage, at this height I’ve become Jeopardy host pushing scripts for an audience no one sees. Science for one thousand.  My portal turns microscope, its double panes a slide and the Earth out there, holy in its ghost of curve, demands comprehension….