by Eleanore Lee

Glow from below
Waves are all about
How we go. They’re about
How we see and hear.
Sea undulates
Surges and falls
Here bright glitter
Of surface sparkle
Gleaming streams
That pull and heave.
Watch the wake!
See the dolphins leap and plunge by the side of our boat, weave
Through the water,
up and down.
Cataclysms of foam
Pour in all directions.
Joy of life
Breathe in
And out.
White foam laces out
Across the wet sand
And back.
I wrap my knees
around you
and you lift me high
And fall.
My god it goes deep!
Now they’re racing away from us, bounding for air, riding the invisible wake
Of a great ship long gone.
It’s a mass movement.
Or it can be a farewell.
Mountain of water shimmers
Above me
I’m just a dot.
The passage of sound
Or light
A farewell.
Category: Poetry, SNHU Creative Writing, SNHU online creative writing