Lying Lion

by Maria DeSantis

She’s not that clever! he growled.
No female ever overtook him!
He was orange with power
His pompadour mane purposely dredged forward
hiding a lot of flakes
His scorn groomed away facts and pawed a lot of fiction
Dangerously playing cat-and-mouse
Like an only child snatching for his mother’s breast, any breast
He looked down upon his kingdom
Many mouths will go hungry tonight
Not his family
They will purr peacefully in their sleep
Swathed in silken sheets
A great wall will protect them from the natives
intent on feeding their own
His white eyes glowed unnaturally in growing darkness
He sensed her near him, lust and power began to surge
He fell back, welcoming her
Too late to defend his triumphalism
She pounced quickly, biting deeply into his thick neck
Crushing his loathsome voice into silence
The King is dead.
Long live the Queen!


Category: Poetry, SNHU Creative Writing, SNHU online creative writing