by Kristal Peace

Weaker than
I cannot be
She waits
For me
To produce
The pearls that
Will save her
Life, to silence
The guns and stay
The knife that
Ever approaches her
Dawning cheek
I reach, I try
But I am weak.
And she cannot know
That war
Has come
And in time suspended
Our lives are undone
By hungry soldiers
And marching fire
That pound the grain
And burn desire.
She cannot know, so
She waits for me, but
I am weaker than
I should not be.
But still, I bring her
To the empty well
And she searches
For pearls in the middle
Of hell
On earth. And
While she searches she
Explores my face, expecting me
To save her.
But I am weaker than I
Cannot be, and
Soon the messenger will
Come for me,
Leaving her alone.
Category: Poetry, SNHU Creative Writing, SNHU online creative writing, SNHU Student