Featured Writing

Butterfly Solipsism

by D.R. James A butterfly’s flapping over Costa Rica,it’s sometimes considered, could initiatethe chain that leads to tornados in Toledo,hopping and ripping the heartfrom every-other quotidian home. Or maybe its deft stretch-and-glidecould instigate the violent Mississippi’ssurprising rise beyond its subtle, stolid realm—the dainty queen behind that vast rebellion. So I…


SNHU Student Posts

Simple Jesus

by Jennifer Harris I exited the vehicle, and strolled across Publix parking lot, as the radio announcer said, “Speaking of a date, it’s May month, and that means two things, Floridians, hot and hotter!” The #21 bus stopped at the shed nearby and two elderly people slowly got off. A…


Publishing and Innocence: A Story of Loss

by Chloe Maron The state of the American publishing industry is one that fosters a brutal type of competition, self-doubt, and loneliness that makes it hard to dream of even the simplest victories. Spots available to hopeful writers remain limited as the industry cannibalizes itself in the name of profit….


Lost and Found

by Rachel Lawrence Godfrey I look at the devastation that is my hotel room floor. I am tired and groggy. The Salat al-fajr dawn muazzin woke me, and I tossed and turned until it was real morning. I am still in-between time zones; not here long enough to be local…


Dead Life Tree

by Rachel Lawrence Godfrey It is springtime here on Grace Island. Still gray and dreary, but the temperatures are warming and we had three days in a row with a break from the constant Pacific Northwest drizzle. The air smells different, crisp and fresh, and buds are coming up on…


Old-fashioned ink pen poised above a parchment paper on which the words "for it" are visible.

A Heart Destined to Wither

by Cidney Mayes “A Heart Destined to Wither” is an honorable mention in Southern New Hampshire University’s 2024 Fall Fiction Contest. A favorite contract of mine: the mortal’s ruinous craving for riches. Everyone knows that gold lasts forever, but hearts such as his are destined to wither. – Margin Note…


Brown package

Mr. Sunshine

by Maureen Winemiller “Mr. Sunshine” is an honorable mention in Southern New Hampshire University’s 2024 Fall Fiction Contest. Walter Schmidt hurried up the cement path that led to the modest bungalow on Pine Street. He had lived in the run-down house for almost forty years and knew the walkway like the…


Across the Vast and Unforgiving Landscape

by Nannette Vernon “Across the Vast and Unforgiving Landscape” is an honorable mention in Southern New Hampshire University’s 2024 Fall Fiction Contest. The sun glinted off a car in the distance, a little blip of light, an occasional shimmer along the dull gray highway dissecting the vast Wyoming plains. The…


A medicine bottle with pills


by Sara Carey “Swallow” is an honorable mention in Southern New Hampshire University’s 2024 Fall Fiction Contest. This story contains sensitive topics. Before me, on the bathroom counter, sat two translucent orange pill bottles with no labels. I stood with my back against the subway-tiled walls. My best friend Olivia…


Train a Comin’

by N. Ryan Tucker “Train a Comin’” placed first in Southern New Hampshire University’s 2024 Fall Fiction Contest. I don’t remember makin’ the devil no damn deal. Musta bargained with him when I was a kid. Can’t call to mind much of them times anyway. I knew it weren’t no…



by Amy Midgett “See” placed third in Southern New Hampshire University’s 2024 Fall Fiction Contest. The 757 bucked and shuddered beneath their feet. Hank gripped Elizabeth’s hand and she buried her face in the crook of his neck and shoulder. With his free hand, he cupped the back of her…