Fiction Posts

Sliced loaf of bread

After Auschwitz

by Kaitlyn Badger-Turner It was fall of 1944 in Auschwitz Birkenau when Joseph’s will to live was almost completely snuffed from him. He collapsed face first in the thick mud, barely registering people shuffling around his crumpled figure. A young woman with shaved hair and sunken cheeks eventually turned him…


Remote cabin in the woods

That’s the Puzzle

by Regina Thomas We’d needed a trip to get away. From what, I’m not sure. But Geneve said we needed to get away, so we got away. The first night I was the one who made the mistake of discovery. I’d been looking around for any possible entertainment after determining…


Poppy flowers under the sunshine

The Good, Bad and Definitely Ugly

by Livingston (This story contains drug use and overdose) There wasn’t any sign that Jordan had been crying alone on the rooftop when Isaac called out to her. No Swift or Sheeran playing at max volume. Just her and the fog and the red glow from the bridge lights on…


Cigarette burning and smoke rising

When the Heart Closes

by Jennifer Page My dad was fascinated by quantum physics. “The physics that explains how everything works: the best description we have of the nature of the particles that make up matter and the forces with which they interact.” (New Scientist) My favorite time of day when I was five was when…


Coffee in a white mug

Late Morning Coffee

by Ralph Souders The last cars of a slow moving, westbound freight train clamored noisily through the empty, Riverside station as Jack Archer prepared to brew some more coffee. The rush hour had long since passed and he had sold about eighty cups of his hearty, hot beverages that morning. Soon…


Paintbrush dipping into paint on palette

The Nameless Lady

by Christian Sexton She looks like a common painting, so common that I can’t decide which one. And she’s plain. She’s the person between girl and womanhood that’s not stunning and not ugly. You walk by her every day and forget her seconds afterward. “I am not from here,” she…


A barbershop pole with a light above it

Belzoni’s Calling

by Eric Sommer Belzoni stood in the doorway, squinting into the dark interior. On the back wall, a large sign said Barbershop; it had a large, old-style peppermint-stick barber pole sign out front, too, which drew him in from the street. The interior, as best he could tell, had all…


Beautiful flowers growing in the garden

Tara’s Son

by Karen Dybner The night was warm and sticky, much like the sultry July day it had been, but now at least there was the dark sky’s respite from the blistering sun. Inside, with the central air humming, it felt cool and comfortable. The kids had been asleep for at…


Spacious fancy hotel lobby

Sole Mate

by Shellie Richards Harold Epstein sat on the edge of the examining table at the podiatrist’s office but he may as well have been sitting on the edge of a canyon. In his mind, he could hear the ominous cry of the predatory hawk as it circled around. His career…


Dark moon peaking over the sea's horizon


by Gil Hoy They all thought he was famous. But the truth was, he was not. Perhaps it was the long, gray mane that flowed from his head, coupled with his good looks and charm. Perhaps it was the way Gary Wellington could speak beautiful words. Or his intelligence. Perhaps…