Fiction Posts

Memories by the Fontana della Barcaccia

By Alex Scarelli I told my husband I was flying to San Diego for a week-long real estate convention, so I had him leave me at the curb for domestic flights when he dropped me off at Logan Airport and, after I’d kissed him and refused his offer to see…


The Other Side of Light

By Leroy Bovee Josh slammed the door rattling the picture window over his mom’s favorite bed of daisies. Should tear all the stupid flowers up he thought. Show her! Always nag, nag, nag – nothing ever good enough. Clean his room, do the dishes, pick up his clothes, did he…


If Life Gives You Pecans

By Dorothy Crawford She hated pecans. She hated the way they looked – like little, shriveled-up brown brains. She hated the way they smelled – like sweet, buttery dirt. She hated the way that everyone else loved them – like they were some amazing thing that she just didn’t ‘get’….



By Steve Prakope Robert held the trembling puppy in the palm of his hand. The puppy, no longer than his width of his hand, twitched with uncontrollable spasms, its head stuck to the side of its body as if looking behind for danger. Robert saw the second puppy in the…


How I Met My Wife

By Joe Giordano I attended the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas, and Samsung hosted a dinner at Restaurant Guy Savoy in Caesar’s Palace. After coffee, men in togas and women in Roman-style, white, frilly things came to give us head and neck massages. A thirties blonde caught my attention. Her…


Claire Making Salad

By Alex Scarelli Thunder sounded as Claire stood from her garden and wiped the dirt off her bare knees. She took off her gloves and wiped her dewy forehead with her forearm. Her shoulders, exposed in one of her ratty tank-tops she used for her daily chores, felt tight and…


Dear Author: Dear Editor

By Susan Dale Stacy Dale Dear Editor of Rambunctious Literary: Unnamed: Unheralded: Unknown: I enjoyed reading the stories on your webpage: well, some of them, anyhow. But by the fourth story of sexual encounters after underage drinking … one at the beach, one in an empty bus, and two in…


The Choice

By Amy Fontenot Mother checked her lipstick in the rear-view mirror as we pulled to a stop at the red light. We’ve driven hours to Atlanta so that we wouldn’t run into my mother’s social circle. My stomach churned again, either from the nerves or the hormones. Mother glanced with contempt at my small…


It’s Not About Love

By Alex Scarelli Abby told me she had Stage IV breast cancer. There would be no miracle cure, no last minute turnaround. She would die in six months, three if she declined evasive medication.  Sitting across from one another in the kitchen of our apartment, still dressed in pajamas and…


Lost Comrade

By Rhea Salas Year 2035 Michael Stone has been a Marine since he was 21 years old, and has dedicated the last 15 years to its service. Working his way to the top, Mike found himself as Sergeant in his platoon, constantly being sent out into Cambodia to search for…