All Night Long

by Thomas Gonzalez

night smRiding the L/ One early morning/ Mouth mute/ Tense body speaking volumes/ Real world sounds being drowned out by screeching consciousness/ Encased in a box/ And then a voice/ All night long/ It’s going to take all night long/ Sang a somber young man/ Sitting across from me/ The saddening sound stirred my senses/ His voice faltered/ Strained/ His eyes closed/ And the words/ The words looped time and time again/ All night long/ It’s going to take all night long/ I felt a kinship with the stranger/ One not shared with family/ Friends/ The words/ So profound/ Resonated/ My head leaned back/ Rested against a wall of concerns/ All night long/ It’s going to take all night long/  My path lay there before me/ So wrought with potholes and dead ends/ Distance measured in cuts and bruises/All night long/ It’s going to take all night long/ Then silence/ The sense of piercing eyes shook me from my trance/ My head snapped forward/ And there he sat/ Staring at me/ It’s all a scam my man/ That’s all it is/ said he/ We spend our lives thinking we are decent folk/ but in truth/ Only the dead can afford to be so/ And then the song began anew/ All night long/ It’s going to take all night long/


Category: Poetry, SNHU Creative Writing, SNHU online creative writing, SNHU Student