Featured Writing

Cell phone on an unmade bed

An unsent drunk text during no contact

by Jason Grant The entire king-sized bed is mine now, but I can’t seem to move from the left side to the right because on the nights you were here—laying there—if I dared move from my side to yours in the middle of the night it was like I-was-crossing-some-boundary you-needed…


Posts Tagged fly

Bugging Out

by Karen Fayeth “Dad! I can’t; it’s too scary.” Jack put a comforting hand on David’s shoulder. “I know it’s scary, son, but our options aren’t great.” David wiped his runny nose on his shirtsleeve and looked at his dad squatting at eye level next to him. “Can’t we just…


Flying Northeast at Dusk

by Rodger Martin In the pressure of the fuselage, at this height I’ve become Jeopardy host pushing scripts for an audience no one sees. Science for one thousand.  My portal turns microscope, its double panes a slide and the Earth out there, holy in its ghost of curve, demands comprehension….


God Complex

by Ryan D. Moore People tell me I have a God complex. It’s not complex. I am God. I, in this form, was born in 1982. However, I have always existed, in one form or another. For awhile I was Haley’s Comet. Zooming across the solar system, a non stop…