Featured Writing

White walls


by Adeline Macdonald Clean steam iron the linen sheets, white and crisp and beautiful and without fault or fold White walls upon white walls with nothing to upset you or hurt you or make you cry or want to leave or want to think Do you love it? Is it…


Posts Tagged advice

Is There Such a Thing as a Bad Dog?

As told by Oliver, the Bearded Collie by Carolyn Light Bell You wouldn’t know me as Scottish since I don’t have red hair, a tam, or a kilt. But my cousins, who look just like me, drive sheep up and down the moors of Scotland, rounding up the woolly ones,…


From Blankenship’s Advice to the Lorn

by Sherry Rind Dear Blankenship, Crow Pickins  magazine, famous for instant turn-around, kept my poems for 6 weeks before returning them. Does that mean I came close to an acceptance? Should I feel better about the rejection? Yrs, Pariah   Dear Pariah, Sometimes a reply is slow because the ms…