Featured Writing

White walls


by Adeline Macdonald Clean steam iron the linen sheets, white and crisp and beautiful and without fault or fold White walls upon white walls with nothing to upset you or hurt you or make you cry or want to leave or want to think Do you love it? Is it…


Posts Tagged adventure

Bucket List

by The Poet Darkling Today was      one of those days;         one of those days            when you realize you               shouldn’t’ve waited;                  you shouldn’t wait;                     when you discover                        places people call                           “Climax;”                              “Crapstone;”                                 “Cut and Shoot;”                                 “‘Possum Kingdom;”                                       “Rest and Be Thankful;” when you learn      these places could            quite possibly be flooded…or that they might be heavenly oaseshaving never known disaster,and you might neverhave knownor caredeitherway,but…